Welcome to Lao Bible Online
The purpose of Lao Bible Online is to increase the knowledge of Jesus Christ among the Lao people by publishing easy to read editions of the Lao Bible and Bible study aids in Lao language.
ຈຸດປະສົງຂອງເວັບໄຊນີ້ແມ່ນເພື່ອເຜີຍແຜ່ ພຣະຄຳພີພາສາລາວ ແລະ ປື້ມຄູ່ມືຄໍາອະທິບາຍຕ່າງໆ ເພື່ອເພີ່ມຂື້ນຄວາມຮູ້ກ່ຽວກັບ ພຣະເຢຊູຄຣິດ ໃນບັນດາຄົນລາວທົ່ວໄປ.
Complete Bible (Popular 2015 Version):
ພຣະຄຳພີຄົບບໍລິບູນ (ສະບັບ 2015):
New Testament (adapted from Thai Isan)
ສະບັບ ພຣະສັນຍາໃໝ່ (ຈາກສະບັບໄທອີສານ):
Bible Study Aids:
Other pages:
The content of this site has been made possible by many contributors. In particular,
we would like to thank:
ພວກເຮົາຢາກຂອບໃຈຫລາຍໆ ຄົນເພື່ອທີ່ໄດ້ຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອກຽມເວັບໄຊນີ້ ໂດຍສະເພາະ:
- Don Fleming (Bridgeway Publications) for
the original Thai-language commentaries, dictionary and booklets explaining basic Christian beliefs,
- Dr. Ron Myers (God's Word for Isan) for making the Thai-Isan
translation of the New Testament available as the source for the 'Spoken Lao' colloquial version,
- the publishers of the Berean Study Bible for permission to use that translation for parallel English editions, and
- United Bible Societies for the (incomplete) 1979 edition of the Lao Bible on which the 2015 version on this site is based.